Core Courses

In the first term, MRes students take four core courses which have been created especially for the MPE CDT, which link mathematical tools with Earth system science. On these courses, students will acquire a broad knowledge of Mathematics of Planet Earth topics. These courses have 20 lectures each, complemented with additional tutorials held on the MPE Wednesdays. Each lecture is delivered by MPE CDT staff at either Imperial or Reading and is streamed using interactive Access Grid technology to the other site.

The courses are:

  • Partial differential equations introduces modeling and analysis techniques that can be applied to Earth system models.
  • Dynamical systems provides probabilistic/stochastic tools for understanding dynamical systems.
  • Data and uncertainty provides tools to quantify uncertainty in forecasts and to make statistical inferences about the Earth system.
  • Numerical methods introduces the basics behind numerical methods and scientific computing techniques that are used in ocean, weather and  climate models.

Elective Courses

In the second term, MRes students take one elective course to specialise in a relevant mathematical or statistical area or topics related to weather, climate, and ocean physics. Students may choose from a variety of courses offered in Masters level programmes at Imperial College London and the University of Reading.