5K Your Way for Earth Day 22 April 2021


Very many thanks to the 46 people who took part in our fundraising event.  We raised £235 for the Berkshire Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust.

To support Earth Day on 22nd April 2021, The Mathematics of Planet Earth Centre for Doctoral Training invites you to take part in our “5K Your Way” event.  Our event aims to raise awareness about protecting the Earth’s ecosystem and raise funds for a local charity – the Berkshire Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust.

You can complete the 5K in any way you wish, for example you could run, walk or cycle 5K informally with up to 6 friends, with family, or you can complete the challenge on your own.  It is entirely up to you, and we won’t be checking.

The first Earth Day was held in the USA in 1970. Earth Day’s 2021 theme, Restore Our Earth, will examine natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems, starting by supporting our local communities:  Earth Day 2021

To take part:  Register your 5K challenge on Eventbrite here

AND We ask you to donate £5 per person here: https://paypal.me/pools/c/8y0h2lh13P

which will be donated in full to the Berkshire Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust.

In return, we will send you an Earth Day badge:

If you would like us to post a picture on our website of you completing your challenge, please email your photo to MPECDT or tweet @MPECDT.