On Wednesday 14th December, Cohort Charlie had our Christmas outing as a final blow-off after our long, hard but enjoyable first semester as MPE CDT students. We went ice-skating outside the Natural History Museum!
Experience on the ice was varied to say the least, ranging from “never skated before” through to an ex-figure skater, but the 10 of us that went all managed to keep on our feet (at least for the most part – I am fairly sure we nearly had a tub of homemade Austrian biscuits all over the ice at one point…). Everyone had a great time, and we’re very thankful to the CDT for allowing us this Christmas gift!
As a final note, these first few months with MPE have been a blast. It has been a real pleasure and a privilege to meet and get to know everyone in Cohort Charlie. Good luck to all in the exams, and bring on the MRes projects!
Anyway, here are some photos!
Reported by Ben Snowball