On Wednesday 6th October 2021 the MPECDT held a meeting to launch the new academic year. It was held in The Meadow Suite, Park House, University of Reading and it was the first time in eighteen months that students and staff were able to gather together indoors.
Professors Jennifer Scott and Dan Crisan welcomed everyone and then introduced a programme of talks from invited speakers:
Beatrice Pelloni, Professor of Mathematics, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh and founding Director in Reading of the MPECDT presented “The mathematical description of large-scale atmospheric flows”.
Dr Sarah-Jane Lock, from ECMWF gave a talk titled “Are you sure I don’t need my umbrella?”
(Representing model uncertainty in weather forecasts).
We were then joined by three alumni speakers from cohorts Alpha, Beta and Charlie who gave short talks on the science they are now working on in their Postdoctoral Researcher positions:
Dr Lea Oljaca (University of Exeter): Attractors of nonautonomous dynamical systems
Dr Carlo Cafaro (University of Reading):My journey into probabilistic weather forecasts, from short to seasonal time scales
Dr Adrian Tsz Yan Leung (University of Reading): The impact of hybrid oceanic data assimilation in a coupled model: a case study of a tropical cyclone
Dan and Jennifer then closed the meeting and we had dinner in The Blandford’s Restaurant, Park House.