MPECDT Publications
Cohort 1
- Jackaman, James [1, 2]
- Cafaro, Carlo [3, 4]
- Prettyman, Joshua [5, 6]
- Chotai, Hinesh [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
- Leahy, Thomas [13]
- Pons Llopis, Francesc [14, 13]
- Schwedes, Tobias [15, 16, 17]
- Bendel, Jens
- FERRULLI, Francesco [18, 19]
Cohort 2
- Tabeart, Jemima [20, 21, 22]
- Oljaca, Leah [23]
- Bendall,Thomas [24, 25, 26]
- Gibbins,Goodwin [27]
- Gibson,Thomas [28, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]
- Goss,Zoe [35, 36]
- Park,Josephine
- Haigh,Michael [37, 38]
- Garrod,Matthew [39]
- Bethencourt De Leon,Aythami [40, 41, 42, 43]
- Lang, Oana
- Rowinska,Paulina [44]
- Symons,Tasmin [45]
- Passeggeri,Riccardo [46, 47, 48, 49]
Cohort 3
- Carigi, Guilia
- Kerama, Ivis
- Leung, Tse (Adrian) [50, 51]
- Mansfield, Laura [52]
- Dell, Imogen
- Shatwell, Peter [53]
- Snowball, Ben [54]
- Su¨tzl,Birgit Susanna [55]
- Wallwork,Joseph [56]
- Wimmer,Golo [57]
- Luesink,Erwin [58, 40]
Cohort 4
- Ashby, Ben
- Thompson, Rhys [59, 60, 61]
- Sialounas, Georgios
- Dauzickaite, Ieva [62]
- Israelsson, Jennifer [63]
- Ripoli, Leonardo
- Santos Gutierrez, Manuel [64]
- Roncoroni, Sebastiano
- Saggioro, Elena [65, 66]
- Hilbers,Adriaan Philip [67, 68, 69]
- Clare,Mariana [70, 71]
- Chappelle,George David Michael
- Patching ,Stuart
- Sharrock,Louis
- Agarwal,Niraj [72, 73]
- Alecio, Alexander
Cohort 5
- Phillips, Oliver
- Wells, Cathie [74]
- Woodfield, James
- Harrison, Samuel
- Greig, Lily
- Nesbitt, Calvin
- Maiocchi, Chiara
- Falkena, Swinda [75, 76, 77]
- Calver
- Baker,Lois Elizabeth [78]
- Breul,Philipp Yannick
- Gregory,Thomas James
- Kurashina,Ryosuke
- Street,Oliver
- Zagli,Niccolo [79]
- James Jackaman, Georgios Papamikos, and Tristan Pryer. The design of conservative finite element discretisations for the vectorial modified kdv equation. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 137:230–251, 2019.
- James Jackaman and Tristan Pryer. Quasinorms in semilinear elliptic prob- lems. In Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods BAIL 2018, pages 183–200. Springer, 2020.
- Carlo Cafaro, Thomas HA Frame, John Methven, Nigel Roberts, and Jochen Br¨ocker. The added value of convection-permitting ensemble forecasts of sea breeze compared to a bayesian forecast driven by the global ensemble. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145(721):1780–1798, 2019.
- Carlo Cafaro and Gabriel G Rooney. Characteristics of colliding density currents: A numerical and theoretical study. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(715):1761–1771, 2018.
- Joshua Prettyman, Tobias Kuna, and Valerie Livina. A novel scaling in- dicator of early warning signals helps anticipate tropical cyclones. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 121(1):10002, 2018.
- J Prettyman, Tobias Kuna, and V Livina. Generalized early warning signals in multivariate and gridded data with an application to tropical cyclones. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29(7):073105, 2019.
- Jean-Fran¸cois Chassagneux, Hinesh Chotai, and Mirabelle Muuˆls. A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets. Springer.
- Jean-Fran¸cois Chassagneux, Hinesh Chotai, and Mirabelle Muuˆls. In- troduction to forward-backward stochastic differential equations. In A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets, pages 11–42. Springer, 2017.
- Jean-Fran¸cois Chassagneux, Hinesh Chotai, and Mirabelle Muuˆls. A math- ematical model for carbon emissions markets. In A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets, pages 43–57. Springer, 2017.
- Jean-Fran¸cois Chassagneux, Hinesh Chotai, and Mirabelle Muuˆls. A de- scription of the carbon markets and their role in climate change mitigation. In A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets, pages 1–9. Springer, 2017.
- Jean-Fran¸cois Chassagneux, Hinesh Chotai, and Mirabelle Muuˆls. Numer- ical approximation of fbsdes. In A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets, pages 59–74. Springer, 2017.
- Jean-Fran¸cois Chassagneux, Hinesh Chotai, and Mirabelle Muuˆls. A case study of the uk energy market. In A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets, pages 75–101. Springer, 2017.
- Thomas P Leahy, Francesc Pons Llopis, Matthew D Palmer, and Niall H Robinson. Using neural networks to correct historical climate observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35(10):2053–2059, 2018.
- Francesc Pons Llopis, Nikolas Kantas, Alexandros Beskos, and Ajay Jasra. Particle filtering for stochastic navier–stokes signal observed with linear ad- ditive noise. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(3):A1544–A1565, 2018.
- Tobias Schwedes, David A Ham, Simon W Funke, and Matthew D Piggott. Mesh dependence in pde-constrained optimisation. In Mesh Dependence in PDE-Constrained Optimisation, pages 53–78. Springer, 2017.
- Tobias Schwedes, David A Ham, Simon W Funke, and Matthew D Pig- gott. Introduction to pde-constrained optimisation. In Mesh Dependence in PDE-Constrained Optimisation, pages 1–52. Springer, 2017.
- Tobias Schwedes, David A Ham, Simon W Funke, and Matthew D Piggott. An application: Optimising the layout of tidal turbine arrays. In Mesh De- pendence in PDE-Constrained Optimisation, pages 79–107. Springer, 2017.
- Oleg Safronov, Ari Laptev, and Francesco Ferrulli. Eigenvalues of the bi- layer graphene operator with a complex valued potential. Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 9(3):1535–1546, 2019.
- Francesco Ferrulli and Ari Laptev. Complex eigenvalue bounds for a schrodinger operator on the half line. Rendiconti Lincei-Matematica e Ap- plicazioni, 31(1):1–14, 2020.
- Jemima M Tabeart, Sarah L Dance, Stephen A Haben, Amos S Lawless, Nancy K Nichols, and Joanne A Waller. The conditioning of least-squares problems in variational data assimilation. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 25(5):e2165, 2018.
- Jemima M Tabeart, Sarah L Dance, Amos S Lawless, Nancy K Nichols, and Joanne A Waller. Improving the condition number of estimated covariance matrices. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 72(1):1–19, 2020.
- Jemima M Tabeart, Sarah L Dance, Amos S Lawless, Stefano Migliorini, Nancy K Nichols, Fiona Smith, and Joanne A Waller. The impact of using reconditioned correlated observation-error covariance matrices in the met office 1d-var system. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146(728):1372–1390, 2020.
- Lea Oljaca, Jochen Brocker, and Tobias Kuna. Almost sure error bounds for data assimilation in dissipative systems with unbounded observation noise. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 17(4):2882–2914, 2018.
- Thomas M Bendall, Thomas H Gibson, Jemma Shipton, Colin J Cotter, and Ben Shipway. A compatible finite-element discretisation for the moist compressible euler equations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146(732):3187–3205, 2020.
- Thomas M Bendall, Colin J Cotter, and Jemma Shipton. The ‘recovered space’advection scheme for lowest-order compatible finite element methods. Journal of Computational Physics, 390:342–358, 2019.
- Thomas M Bendall and Colin J Cotter. Statistical properties of an en- strophy conserving finite element discretisation for the stochastic quasi- geostrophic equation. Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 113(5- 6):491–504, 2019.
- Goodwin Gibbins and Joanna D Haigh. Entropy production rates of the climate. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77(10):3551–3566, 2020.
- Jemma Shipton, Thomas H Gibson, and Colin J Cotter. Higher-order compatible finite element schemes for the nonlinear rotating shallow water equations on the sphere. Journal of Computational Physics, 375:1121–1137, 2018.
- Thomas H Gibson, Lawrence Mitchell, David A Ham, and Colin J Cot- ter. Slate: extending firedrake’s domain-specific abstraction to hybridized solvers for geoscience and beyond. Geoscientific model development, 13(2):735–761, 2020.
- Thomas H Gibson, Andrew TT McRae, Colin J Cotter, Lawrence Mitchell, and David A Ham. Compatible Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows: Automation and Implementation Using Firedrake. Springer Nature, 2019.
- Thomas H. Gibson, Andrew T. T. McRae, Colin J. Cotter, Lawrence Mitchell, and David A. Ham. Models in Three-Dimensions, pages 75–108. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019.
- Thomas H. Gibson, Andrew T. T. McRae, Colin J. Cotter, Lawrence Mitchell, and David A. Ham. Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows, pages 17–38. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019.
- Thomas H. Gibson, Andrew T. T. McRae, Colin J. Cotter, Lawrence Mitchell, and David A. Ham. Models in Two-Dimensions, pages 55–74. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019.
- Thomas H. Gibson, Andrew T. T. McRae, Colin J. Cotter, Lawrence Mitchell, and David A. Ham. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Simula- tion, pages 1–16. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019.
- ZL Goss, DS Coles, and MD Piggott. Identifying economically vi- able tidal sites within the alderney race through optimization of lev- elized cost of energy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 378(2178):20190500, 2020.
- Daniel Coles, Athanasios Angeloudis, Zoe Goss, and Jon Miles. Tidal stream vs. wind energy: The value of cyclic power when combined with short-term storage in hybrid systems. Energies, 14(4):1106, 2021.
- Michael C Haigh and Pavel S Berloff. Potential vorticity redistribution by localised transient forcing in the shallow-water model. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 852:199–225, 2018.
- Michael Haigh and Pavel Berloff. Rossby waves and zonal momentum redistribution induced by localised forcing in the rotating shallow-water model. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 885, 2020.
- Matthew Garrod and Nick S Jones. Large algebraic connectivity fluctua- tions in spatial network ensembles imply a predictive advantage from node location information. Physical Review E, 98(5):052316, 2018.
- Aythami Bethencourt de Leon, Darryl D Holm, Erwin Luesink, and So Takao. Implications of kunita–ito–wentzell formula for k-forms in stochastic fluid dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear Science, pages 1–34, 2020.
- Diego Alonso-Or´an, Aythami Bethencourt de Le´on, Darryl D Holm, and So Takao. Modelling the climate and weather of a 2d lagrangian-averaged euler–boussinesq equation with transport noise. Journal of Statistical Physics, pages 1–37, 2020.
- Diego Alonso-Or´an, Aythami Bethencourt de Le´on, and So Takao. The burgers’ equation with stochastic transport: shock formation, local and global existence of smooth solutions. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA, 26(6):1–33, 2019.
- Diego Alonso-Or´an and Aythami Bethencourt de Le´on. On the well- posedness of stochastic boussinesq equations with transport noise. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30(1):175–224, 2020.
- Richard G Everitt and Paulina A Rowin´ska. Delayed acceptance abc-smc.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, pages 1–12, 2020.
- NH Bingham, Aleksandar Mijatovi´c, and Tasmin L Symons. Brownian manifolds, negative type and geo-temporal covariances. Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 10(4):3, 2016.
- Riccardo Passeggeri. Spectral representations of quasi-infinitely divisible processes. Stochastic processes and their applications, 130(3):1735–1791, 2020.
- Riccardo Passeggeri and Almut ED Veraart. Mixing properties of multi- variate infinitely divisible random fields. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 32(4):1845–1879, 2019.
- Riccardo Passeggeri and Almut ED Veraart. Limit theorems for multivari- ate brownian semistationary processes and feasible results. Advances in Applied Probability, 51(3):667–716, 2019.
- Riccardo Passeggeri. On the signature and cubature of the fractional brownian motion for h¿ 12. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 130(3):1226–1257, 2020.
- Tsz Yan Leung, Martin Leutbecher, Sebastian Reich, and Theodore G Shepherd. Impact of the mesoscale range on error growth and the lim- its to atmospheric predictability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77(11):3769–3779, 2020.
- Tsz Yan Leung, Martin Leutbecher, Sebastian Reich, and Theodore G Shepherd. Atmospheric predictability: Revisiting the inherent finite-time barrier. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 76(12):3883–3892, 2019.
- Laura A Mansfield, Peer J Nowack, Matt Kasoar, Richard G Everitt, William J Collins, and Apostolos Voulgarakis. Predicting global patterns of long-term climate change from short-term simulations using machine learning. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 3(1):1–9, 2020.
- Peter Shatwell, Arnaud Czaja, and David Ferreira. Ocean heat storage rate unaffected by moc weakening in an idealized climate model. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(16):e2020GL089849, 2020.
- Ben Snowball and Sheehan Olver. Sparse spectral and-finite element meth- ods for partial differential equations on disk slices and trapeziums. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 145(1):3–35, 2020.
- Birgit S Su¨tzl, Gabriel G Rooney, and Maarten van Reeuwijk. Drag dis- tribution in idealized heterogeneous urban environments. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, pages 1–24, 2020.
- Joseph G Wallwork, Nicolas Barral, Stephan C Kramer, David A Ham, and Matthew D Piggott. Goal-oriented error estimation and mesh adaptation for shallow water modelling. SN Applied Sciences, 2:1–11, 2020.
- Golo A Wimmer, Colin J Cotter, and Werner Bauer. Energy conserving upwinded compatible finite element schemes for the rotating shallow water equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 401:109016, 2020.
- Bernard J Geurts, Darryl D Holm, and Erwin Luesink. Lyapunov exponents of two stochastic lorenz 63 systems. Journal of Statistical Physics, pages 1–23, 2019.
- Rhys L Thompson, Clare EJ Watt, and Paul D Williams. Accounting for variability in ulf wave radial diffusion models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(8):e2019JA027254, 2020.
- RL Thompson, SK Morley, CEJ Watt, SN Bentley, and PD Williams. Pro- l*-a probabilistic l* mapping tool for ground observations. Space Weather, page 2020SW002602.
- T´eo Bloch, Clare EJ Watt, Mathew J Owens, Rhys Leighton Thompson, and Omakshi Agiwal. Constraining the location of the outer boundary of earth’s outer radiation belt. Earth and Space Science Open Archive ESSOAr, 2021.
- Ieva Dauˇzickaite˙, Amos S Lawless, Jennifer A Scott, and Peter Jan Van Leeuwen. Spectral estimates for saddle point matrices arising in weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 27(5):e2313, 2020.
- Jennifer Israelsson, Emily Black, Cl´audia Neves, Francis Feehi Torgbor, Helen Greatrex, Michael Tanu, and Patrick Nii Lante Lamptey. The spa- tial correlation structure of rainfall at the local scale over southern ghana. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 31:100720, 2020.
- Manuel Santos Guti´errez and Valerio Lucarini. Response and sensitivity using markov chains. Journal of Statistical Physics, pages 1–22, 2020.
- Elena Saggioro and Theodore G Shepherd. Quantifying the timescale and strength of southern hemisphere intraseasonal stratosphere-troposphere coupling. Geophysical research letters, 46(22):13479–13487, 2019.
- Elena Saggioro, Jana de Wiljes, Marlene Kretschmer, and Jakob Runge. Reconstructing regime-dependent causal relationships from observational time series. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30(11):113115, 2020.
- Adriaan P Hilbers, David J Brayshaw, and Axel Gandy. Importance sub- sampling: improving power system planning under climate-based uncer- tainty. Applied Energy, 251:113114, 2019.
- HC Bloomfield, PLM Gonzalez, Julie K Lundquist, LP Stoop, Jethro Browell, Roger Dargaville, Matteo De Felice, Katharina Gruber, Adriaan Hilbers, Alex Kies, et al. The importance of weather and climate to energy systems: A workshop on next generation challenges in energy–climate mod- eling. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(1):E159–E167, 2021.
- Adriaan Hilbers, David Brayshaw, and Axel Gandy. Efficient quantification of the impact of demand and weather uncertainty in power system models. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020.
- Mariana CA Clare, James R Percival, Athanasios Angeloudis, Colin J Cotter, and Matthew D Piggott. Hydro-morphodynamics 2d modelling using a discontinuous galerkin discretisation. Computers & Geosciences, 146:104658, 2021.
- Mariana CA Clare, Matthew D Piggott, and Colin J Cotter. Assessing ero- sion and flood risk in the coastal zone through the application of multilevel monte carlo methods. Coastal Engineering, page 103850, 2021.
- EA Ryzhov, D Kondrashov, N Agarwal, JC McWilliams, and P Berloff. On data-driven induction of the low-frequency variability in a coarse-resolution ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 153:101664, 2020.
- EA Ryzhov, D Kondrashov, N Agarwal, and PS Berloff. On data-driven augmentation of low-resolution ocean model dynamics. Ocean Modelling, 142:101464, 2019.
- Cathie A Wells, Paul D Williams, Nancy K Nichols, Dante Kalise, and Ian Poll. Reducing transatlantic flight emissions by fuel-optimised routing. Environmental Research Letters, 16(2):025002, 2021.
- Swinda KJ Falkena, Courtney Quinn, Jan Sieber, and Henk A Dijkstra. A delay equation model for the atlantic multidecadal oscillation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477(2246):20200659, 2021.
- Swinda KJ Falkena, Jana de Wiljes, Antje Weisheimer, and Theodore G Shepherd. Revisiting the identification of wintertime atmospheric circula- tion regimes in the euro-atlantic sector. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146(731):2801–2814, 2020.
- Swinda KJ Falkena, Courtney Quinn, Jan Sieber, Jason Frank, and Henk A Dijkstra. Derivation of delay equation climate models us- ing the mori-zwanzig formalism. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475(2227):20190075, 2019.
- Lois E Baker and Bruce R Sutherland. The evolution of superharmonics excited by internal tides in non-uniform stratification. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 891:R1, 2020.
- Valerio Lucarini, Grigorios A Pavliotis, and Niccol`o Zagli. Response theory and phase transitions for the thermodynamic limit of interacting identical systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476(2244):20200688, 2020.