The 2016 Jamboree was held at the University of Reading, Whiteknights Campus. It was a great pleasure for the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics in Planet Earth to host this annual event, which provided a platform for disseminating outstanding research going on within the MPE CDT. This annual meeting drew more than 70 climate and weather scientists, industrial partners and mathematicians into dialogue about the ideas and approaches to tackle global challenges in oceans, weather and climate.

The event aimed at increasing professional opportunities and access to a large network of industry & affiliate partners therefore it’s programme included sessions with representatives from industry, including Risk Management Solutions and Lake Street Consulting; panel discussions; and a student-led symposium.

Networking and discussion formed a key part of the event, with a drinks receptions taking place in the late afternoons.

The Jamboree 2016 keynote speakers showcased the power and sophistication of basic research across the spectrum of the mathematical and computational techniques needed to understand, predict and quantify risk and uncertainty for extreme weather and climate change. The seminar, delivered by Professor Peter Lynch from the University College Dublin highlighted importance of the numerical weather prediction (NWP) in operational weather forecasting.

The MPE CDT students presented truly excellent overviews of their research interests. The MPE CDT offered two prizes to Paulina Rowinska and Zoe Goss for the best MRes oral presentations.

Poster sessions provided opportunity for participants to present and discuss their work and network with others working on similar projects. The prizes were awarded for the best poster presentations at the event. We were delighted to award the prizes to:
- Jens Bendel for “Two applications of Bayesian statistics in green energy”
- Thomas Leahy for “A statistical analysis of Tropical Cyclone genesis”

The meeting was concluded by the announcement of winners for:
- MPE CDT MRes Project to Tobias Schwedes and Hinesh Chotai
- Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research to Carlo Cafaro
- MPE CDT Teaching Assistant to Joseph McMillan
- MPE CDT Partner Engagement to Hinesh Chotai (for work with Tom Bent (SSE) on Carbon Markets), Francesco Ferrulli (for his work with Dr Ivan Rungger (NPL) on the study of the properties of graphene) and Joshua Prettyman (for his work with Dr Valerie Livina (NPL) on the study of the detection of typing points)
- MPE CDT Ambassador Award to Jens Bendel and James Jackaman
- MPE CDT Outreach Ambassador Award to Thomas Leahy, Francesc Pons Llopis and Francesco Ferrulli
- MPE CDT Leadership to James Jackaman, Jen Bendel, Tasmin Symons,Jemima Tabeart
- MPE CDT MRes Student Award to Tobias Schwedes
A big thank you to our generous sponsors (Springer, Cambridge University Press, IOP, Oxford University Press, World Scientific Publishing) for their amazing support and commitment.
The awards ceremony was preceded by a speech given by Professor Hans Kaper co-director of the Mathematics and Climate Research Network .

It was a real delight for the organising committee to see so many enthusiastic supporters of the MPE CDT. In particular we appreciate the very considerable interests of industry present at this meeting, underlining the importance of a close exchange between scientists and technology providers for our field of research.
Overall it was a great event, judging by the level of ‘buzz’ in the poster area during the breaks, and feedback received from participants and our sponsors.
Finally, the meeting couldn’t have happened without the dedicated teamwork of the organising committee: Dr Tristan Pryer and Jill Hazleton (Centre Manager – Reading).