Applications are invited from PhD students to attend a one-week course on “Multiscale analysis of atmosphere-ocean flows and related numerical issues”. The course, which will be held at the Met Office in Exeter, is being run by the MPE CDT https://mpecdt.org/ and the Met Office https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/. The course will be attended by the MPE CDT students who are at the end of the third year of their 4-year programme. In addition, we have a number of places available for external students for which we are now seeking applications.
The principal lecturer will be Professor Rupert Klein from the Freie Universität Berlin
Professor Klein will give five lectures incorporating the following topics:
– Scales in geophysical flows
– Asymptotic techniques for multiscale problems
– Asymptotic analysis of large-scale near-equatorial flows
– Well-balanced schemes and time integration of multiscale systems
– Rigorous justification of reduced asymptotic models
There will also be invited lectures by the following eminent speakers:
Hilary Weller, University of Reading (numerics for the shallow-water equations)
Nigel Wood, Met Office (modern NWP model development)
Beth Wingate, University of Exeter (nonlinear resonances and mean flows)
Bin Cheng, University of Surrey (analysis of nonlinear dynamics with three time scales)
In the afternoons, there will be supervised hands-on lab sessions, allowing students to perform numerical exercises to illustrate the material in the lectures. Students will need to bring their own laptop with Python 3, numpy and matplotlib pre-installed, and should have experience solving a hyperbolic PDE in one or more dimensions.
The number of places available to non MPE CDT students is strictly limited to 10. These will be allocated to eligible students on a first come, first served basis.
The closing date for applications is 10 June 2019.
There is no fee to attend but all students will be responsible for funding and booking their own travel and accommodation.
To apply, please send an email to Sam Williams (s.r.williams@reading.ac.uk) giving brief details of your PhD topic together with a statement from you and your supervisor explaining your suitability for this summer school and how you would benefit.