We are very pleased to announce the launch of the Mathematics of Planet Earth School Competition 2017.
The competition is free to enter and is open to teams of pupils from schools in Greater London. The aim of the competition is for teams to identify how the mathematical sciences can be useful in tackling our world’s problems. Through the competition we hope to motivate pupils to engage with science and innovation, to encourage them to work together as part of a team and to engage them in a fun activity that is motivated by their curiosity and drive.
The top teams will be invited to present their idea at a showcase event in front of a live audience and a panel of judges. The competition winners will each receive a prize and will have their exhibit displayed for the full duration of the Mathematics of Planet Earth Exhibition.
Important dates:
Although the registration deadline has passed, we are still accepting Schools Submissions Forms for the event. We will be accepting your entries until Tuesday, 16 May.
Wednesday, 17th May 2017 – Finalists informed
Wednesday, 7th June 2017 – Final Judging Event
Saturday, 21st October – Finalists to present their exhibits at the opening of the MPE Exhibition
Please download a flyer containing further details about the event here