When: Thursday, 19 January 2017
Where: Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, Council Room, 170 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 2AZ
Scope: The MPE CDT has teamed up with the Satellite Applications Catapult which has a growing network of businesses at a regional, national and international level. This is an introductory event for researchers and company staff to meet one another and gain an understanding of their activities with a view to developing future collaborations, studentships, projects and initiatives.
15:00 Welcome : Prof Dan Crisan, Director of the MPE CDT and Tim Sherwood, Chair Satellite Applications Catapult.
15:15 Delegate pitches, both academic and business attendees are invited to describe their work.
16:30 Poster Session: networking to facilitate longer discussions
17:30 Drinks reception
To register for this event please go to this website