MPE Student awarded LMS Early Career Fellowship

The Mathematics of Planet Earth CDT is very pleased to announce that Giulia Carigi – currently in her final year of PhD study at the University of Reading – has been awarded a London Mathematical Society (LMS) Early Career Fellowship with an additional scholarship funded by the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research (HIMR).  The Fellowship is for six months and will enable Giulia to continue her research in Ergodic properties and response theory for models in geophysical fluid dynamics of intermediate complexity. The LMS awards these prestigious fellowships to support early career researchers in the important period when transitioning between PhD study and starting an academic career.

Giulia said “I am honoured to have been awarded the fellowship and I think it will be an important starting point after the submission of my thesis, especially amid the global uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. I am looking forward to addressing this new part of my research, to continuing work with my PhD supervisors Jochen Broecker and Tobias Kuna, and to starting a collaboration with Professor Franco Flandoli from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy. The proposed research will study long time average properties for a class of stochastic equations modelling atmospheric and oceanic flows with several layers (of different density for instance). This project impacts on mathematical research of geophysical fluid dynamics, for instance by providing a mechanism whereby wind-shear on the top layer not only drives near-surface large-scale oceanic flows like the Gulf stream, but also mixes the lower levels of the ocean. Furthermore, the project will enable the application of response theory to these models, a rigorous mathematical framework in which climate change triggered by a change in external parameters or forcings can be investigated.


More information about LMS fellowships is available here