MPE Wednesday 10 March 2021

The Maths of Planet Earth Wednesday Seminar series continues online on 10 March 2021 with talks on climate services in Africa, public engagement in environmental sciences, and climate resilient research for locally relevant action.


Programme and Speaker Biographies: 


14:00 Zoom call opens and delegates gather : 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 0165 2432
Passcode: 349887 


14:15. Chaired by Jennifer Israelsson: 

Emily BlackProfessor in the Department of Meteorology and National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Univ of Reading: “Rainfall estimation for climate services in Africa” 



15:00 Chaired by Ieva Dauzickaite: 

Carl Stevenson and Sarah Staunton-Lamb: “Engaging Environments initiative: creating equitable spaces for coenquiry and engagement in environmental science 



15:45 Comfort break  



16:00 Chaired by Valerio Lucarini 

Rosalind Cornforth, Professor and Director of the Walker Institute, Univ of Reading: “Climate resilient research for locally relevant action: A pathway to decision-making in Uganda” – how we unlock our research to make a difference. 



16: 45. Wrap up and thanks by Jennifer Scott 



Meeting closes with the option to meet on 



Speakers’ Biographies: 

Emily Black is a Professor in the Meteorology Department and a senior scientist at the National Centre of Atmospheric Science. Her work focuses on African climate services, and variability and change in the hydrological cycle – particularly drought. Since 2013, she has led the TAMSAT programme, which supplies climate services based on Earth Observation data to stakeholders throughout Africa. She started her career as a geologist and came to Reading as a postdoc in the meteorology department in 2000. 

Dr Carl Stevenson is a Senior Lecturer in Geology and part of The Earth Sciences Research Group within the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham.  In addition to teaching and researching geological processes, Carl is also involved in community organising and interested in how science is relevant in civil society.  

Sarah Staunton-Lamb is a Senior Learning and Engagement Manager for Earthwatch Europe. Sarah designs and delivers programmes which engage and inspire people from different walks of life to connect to the natural world. 


A Professor of Climate and Development, Ros Cornforth is an expert in linking academics from different disciplines to work together to support climate resilience and development. As a leading innovator in knowledge exchange and multi-stakeholder engagement, she links science, policy and practice to drive solution-orientated research and build capacity on the ground.  A Meteorologist by training, she has many years’ experience collaborating with policymakers, communities and international organisations particularly across sub-Saharan Africa. Her work is creating a portfolio of research designed across all scales with a wide range of stakeholder groups to help build a climate resilient future.