2014 Jamboree

The 2014 Jamboree was held at the EPSRC Doctoral Training Centres, Imperial College London. It was a great pleasure for the Imperial College/University of Reading EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics in Planet Earth to host this annual event, in which MPE CDT students had an opportunity to showcase their research and its impact.

This event brought together climate and weather scientists, industrial partners and mathematicians to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and approaches to tackle global challenges in oceans, weather and climate.

The Jamboree 2014 also represented the spirit of MPE CDT as a forum for multidisciplinary interaction and engagement. The event covered a wide spectrum of current individual research strands, with poster contributions across mathematics and its applications.

A prize was awarded for the best poster presentation at the event. We were delighted to award the first prize to Seonaid Dey from the University of Reading for “Summer convective storms: spatial analysis of numerical weather forecasts”.


We appreciate the very considerable interests of industry present at this meeting, underlining the importance of a close exchange between scientists and technology providers for our field of research.

