Shown at the Mathematics of Planet Earth annual exhibition in May 2022, the Wetropolis exhibit demonstrates the effect of extreme rainfall and flood.

The Demonstrator was made by Professor Onno Bokhove as part of the Data Assimilation for the REsilient City (DARE) research project and network funded by an EPSRC Senior Fellowship in Digital Technology for Living with Environmental Change.
Professor Bokhove said:
“Over the last 8 years I have had the pleasure to heavily interact with students and staff of the Mathematics of Planet Earth Centre for Doctoral Training (MPE CDT) on the mathematics and numerics of geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics, with applications in flooding, wave-energy and extreme water waves at sea. I have enjoyed reading CDT students’ reports as external examiner and facing critical questions in the various seminars given for the MPE CDT. In addition, whilst not on call to check on Wetropolis during the MPE exhibition, I loved exploring the river-scape of London’s Thames from Hammersmith to the Thames Barrier. Pondering how to make an urban-estuary version of Wetropolis in which river floods meet a tidal storm surge.”
The video of the “Exploring Wetropolis, an extreme rainfall and flood demonstrator”, part of Reading’s DARE project and featuring Oliver Phillips (MPE CDT PhD student) and Onno, underscores the fruitful collaborations between the Universities of Leeds and Reading and Imperial College London:
The video can be viewed here: