The 2016 Kick off Camp

The 2016 Kick off Camp will be held in September 5-15 on the University of Reading, Whiteknights-Campus.

The Kick off Camp, is an annual two weeks event, offering a tailor made program, designed to fit the needs of the cohort of students joining the MPE CDT. The Kick off Camp sessions feature: seminars, Maths refresher course, a series of computer labs, a communication workshop and team building activities. Moreover, students will gain an understanding of atmospheric and ocean science. Throughout the camp, the MPE CDE students will be actively engaged in the learning process, using critical thinking skills to address and solve problems.

In addition, to the education sessions mentioned above, the Kick off Camp attendees will benefit from informal interaction between the current students and MPE CDT staff. There will be organized extracurricular activities to facilitate such interaction.

Please download this timetable for further information on speakers and sessions.